
The interactive graphical display gives you an overview of all the hard disks. Free and used space, as well as the size of the partitions, are displayed.

You can select a drive for imaging by double-clicking it.

Among other things, the DiskView of O&O DiskImage will show all empty sectors. These empty areas occur due to the alignment of the partitions or volumes. Programs such as O&O PartitionManager or the Windows Disk Manager don’t show these sectors if they’re smaller than the smallest sector that can be partitioned, meaning smaller than 8 MB on the average.

Since O&O DiskImage creates images of hard disks, it is important to also consider these small areas, if the entire hard disk is selected as source. These areas can also be made visible indirectly with the Microsoft program “DiskPart”. If the hard disks were chosen based on the command “SELECT”, then it is possible to list these areas with “LIST PARTITION”. Not only the size, but also the Offset, where the partition is located on the hard disk is displayed. It may be necessary to consider possible rounding differences, since the display is rounded to the thousands.

O&O DiskImage oodi6 diskview 640x175 DiskView

